December 13, 2014

My Shepherd

Lord is my Shepherd

Bacaan : Mazmur (Psalm) 23

Hello... How are you guys doing?

Baru sempat nulis lagi neehh.. he he ..
Ga terasa sudah mau tahun baru lagi loh ya.... Dahsyat....
Semoga teman-teman semua sudah mempersiapkan goal baru di tahun yang baru nanti ya..
New Year, New Spirit!

OK. Kali ini mau share lagii ya....

Pagi tadi saya sempat baca satu renungan harian, dan rasanya renungan tadi mengingatkan saya lagi tentang sebuah kasih mula-mula yang saya rasakan ketika dulu pertama kali mengenal Tuhan. Disaat saya sangat menggebu-gebu mencari Tuhan, dan selalu ingin mengadalkan Dia setiap saat. Tapi kalau boleh saya jujur, akhir-akhir ini saya sempat kehilangan semangat itu, dan tidak jarang saya ingin menjalakan hidup ini dengan kekuatan dan kemampuan saya sendiri.

Demikian renungannya :

Menjadi Domba

Jika kita ditanya tentang hewan yang paling perkasa, biasanya orang menjawab singa. Julukan ini tidaklah berlebihan karena singa memiliki tubuh yang kekar, cakar dan gigi yang tajam, dan auman yang menggetarkan. Kondisi ini terbalik 180 derajat jika dibandingkan dengan domba. Domba adalah hewan yang lemah dan tak memiliki mekanisme pertahanan diri untuk bertahan dari serangan musuh.

Uniknya, Raja Daud lebih memilih mengumpamakan dirinya sebagai domba yang tidak berdaya daripada sebagai singa yang kuat. Ia menyebut Tuhan sebagai "Gembalaku" (ay.1). Padahal, sebagai raja, ia dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan mengandalkan kekuatan dan kemampuan diri seperti seekor singa.

Raja Daud menggambarkan paling tidak enam berkat bagi mereka yang hidup seperti domba yang bergantung pada gembalanya. Mereka tak akan kekurangan (ay.1), ditempatkan di tempat yang paling baik (ay.2), tidak akan tersesat karena dituntun pada jalan yang benar (ay.3), tidak takut bahaya karena disertai gembala mereka (ay.4), kehidupan mereka terjamin (ay.5), memiliki hidup yang berlimpah dengan kebaikan dan kemurahan sepanjang umur mereka (ay.6).

Tidak jarang kita ingin menjalankan hidup berdasarkan kekuatan dan kemampuan kita sendiri, seperti singa. Firman-Nya menggugah kita untuk merendahkan hati dan bergantung pada-Nya, sama seperti domba yang hidupnya bergantung pada sang gembala. Tak usah khawatir, semua yang baik sudah disiapkan oleh Gembala kita jika kita mau menjadi domba-Nya.

(Hoki Cahyadi / Renungan Harian)

Thanks, Lord


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (1)

    He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters. (2)

    He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake. (3)

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

    I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me. (4)

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows. (5)

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
    forever. (6)

Dapat kah kita meng-aminkan ayat2 di atas? Yes, saya percaya kita bisa, karena kita dapat merasakan betapa jauh berbeda antara mengandalkan diri sendiri dan mengadalkan sang Gembala.

Saya juga percaya tidak ada sesuatu yang kebetulan jika hari ini teman2 dan saya boleh diingatkan kembali dengan ayat2 ini. Percaya kalau Tuhan mau berbicara sesuatu untuk teman2 dan saya. 


God bless.

May 2, 2014

Life is Wonderful

The World As I See It.

(Jason Mraz)

The world as I see it, is a remarkable place
A beautiful house in a forest, of stars in outer space
From a birds eye view, I can see it has a well-rounded personality
From a birds eye view, I can see we are family

Yeah the world as I see it, is a remarkable place
Every man makes a difference and every mother’s child is a saint
From a birds eye view I can see, we are spiraling down in gravity
From a birds eye view I can see, you are just like me

It’s not hard for me to love you
Hard for me to love you
No, it’s not a difficult thing
It’s not hard for me to love you
Hard for me to love you
Because you are the world to me

Oh I really love you,
Love you are the world to me

You are the mountain, you are the rock
You are the cord and you’re the spark
You are the eagle, you are the lark
You are the world and you’re remarkable
You’re the ocean eating the shore
You are the calm inside the storm
You’re every emotion, you can endure
You are the world and the world is yours.

Yeah the world as I see it, is a remarkable place.

"If you need something to be grateful for then check your pulse. Always be thankful for the gift of life."

April 4, 2014

Stepping into Elim

Zona Aman

Bacaan : Keluaran (Exodus) 15:22-27

They came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water, and seventy palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
(Exodus 15:27)

Dalam perjalanan keluar dari tanah Mesir, bangsa Israel melewati banyak tempat. Salah satunya Mara. Bangsa Israel bersungut-sungut karena sewaktu menemukan air di situ ternyata rasanya pahit. Musa berseru-seru kepada Tuhan dan Tuhan menjadikan air itu manis sehingga dapat diminum. Tetapi, Tuhan tidak ingin bangsa Israel berhenti di Mara dan puas dengan mukjizat air menjadi manis. Tuhan membawa bangsa Israel terus melangkah ke Elim.
Di tempat ini Tuhan menyediakan berkat yang lebih berlimpah.

Kita sering merasa puas dengan apa yang sudah kita dapatkan, lalu berhenti dan tidak berminat mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Kita tidak mengharapkan hasil yang lebih baik karena kita enggan mesti berusaha lebih keras lagi guna mencapainya. Toh apa yang kita hasilkan sudah cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup.
Padahal, Tuhan sejatinya menyediakan hal yang lebih besar dari yang kita bayangkan. Ada berkat yang lebih besar yang sudah Tuhan siapkan bagi kita, tetapi kita tidak dapat berpangku tangan untuk menerimanya. Kita perlu berani melangkah keluar dari zona kenyamanan kita, mengikuti pimpinan-Nya, ke tempat yang mungkin tidak kita sukai.

Bukan suatu hal yang mudah untuk mencapai Elim. Dibutuhkan tenaga dan kemauan untuk melangkah. Demikian juga untuk meninggalkan zona kenyamanan. Kelelahan pasti akan menyapa, tetapi kita tidak perlu bersungut-sungut. Dalam setiap langkah, Tuhan menyertai dan menguatkan kita untuk menemukan kelimpahan hidup yang sudah Dia sediakan.


(Istiasih / Renungan Harian)

Moving Forward

"Melangkah keluar dari zona kenyamanan adalah cara untuk menikmati berkat Tuhan yang lebih besar."

Jadi, apa pilihanmu hari ini? ^_^

God bless.

January 17, 2014

God be the Center

He loves you and me.

We were the reason that He gave His life.
We were the reason that He suffered and died.
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give, to show us the reason to live.


God's not just some mighty ruler who looks down at earth and sees a bunch of nameless people running around. He knows each one of us by name. (Katy)

Don't you think that you are nothing in God's eyes.
You don't need to try to become another people, because God loves you just the way you are ^_^

And this is a verse I'd like to share with my friends,

He cares for you

He sees you when you play,
when you study,
and when you sleep,

"...He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."
(1 Peter 5:7)

God knows all about you

He knows what you like and what you don't like.
He knows all your secrets.
In fact, He knows all about you and me even before we were born.

"And He knows the number of hairs on your head!"
(Luke 12:7)

God knows when you...

do wrong things,
say wrong things,
or think wrong things.

and God calls this sin.

"All wrongdoing is sin..."
(1 John 5:17)

God hates sin

Sin makes Him sad because it keeps you from God.
Sin stops you from being God's friend.

But God still loves you and He want you to be His friends.

"...your sins have cut you off from God. Because of sin He has turned His face away from you and will not listen anymore."
(Isaiah 59:2)

God loves us

He wants us to be God's friend.
The only way He could do this was by taking away our sins,
so He died on the Cross to take away our sins.

"We were God's enemies, but He made us His friends through the death of His son."
(Romans 5:10)


God knows our troubles and our happiness. 
He made each one of us special, and he wants to have a personal relationship with each of us.

God is more than a story, more than words on a page of history.

Let us pray..

Dear God,

I'm sorry for all my sins.
Forgive me for all the wrong things I do, say or think.
I know I still make mistakes, but I believe You have a new mercies for me everyday.

I believe Jesus died on the cross for me and rose again on the third day.

Thank you Father for taking away all my sins,
Your love never changes.

And God, I want to know You more,

Let Your Spirit overwhelm me,
Let Your presence overtake my heart.

Please come into my life and be my Lord, be my Saviour and be the center of my life.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

And I've finally found the reason for living, it's in giving every part of my heart to Him.

God bless you guys ^_^

(Inspired from "God Loves Me" book. Many thanks for my buddies, Stephen & Fica)

January 5, 2014


Being Grateful.

It is easy to let days fly by without taking notice to the world around us.

Life is beautiful.
Soak it in, think about it, and be grateful.

"To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us."

What do I have to be grateful for?

"Be grateful for what you have; you'll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
(Oprah Winfrey)

Let us be grateful for the every single breath that we take
Every breath we draw is a gift of God's love.

Let us be grateful for the people whose love and kindness provided warmth to our heart.
I'm grateful for my family, my cousins, my friends & everyone who always beside me.
Thanks God you already put me here, I believe you already planned something beautiful in my life.

Let us be grateful for all the obstacle in our life.
It have strengthened you as you continue your journey.
And also allowing us to experience exactly what our heart needs to grow, prosper and heal.

Be thankful for the bad things in life; for they open our eyes to the good things we weren't paying attention to before.

And many more....

"A joyful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22)

There is always, always, always something to be thankful for ^_^

Everyday is a gift, so let us receive it with eagerness and share it with joy.

God loves you, guys.